
пятница, 22 октября 2010 г.


Prepare Live Fish Food and Feed Fish – DIY Home Grown Shrimps and Worms for Fish

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 11:57 PM PDT

DIY raise shrimps worms for fish

Fish like blood worms, white worms, brine shrimps, alive shrimps. This food help fish grow faster and keep fish healthy. The thing is dried or alive worms and shrimps are not cheap. You want to feed fish worms and shrimps without buying these? You can do it. Why buy brine shrimp, blood worms or white worms – dried or alive when its easy to raise or populate these worms??? Prepare worms and feed them alive to your fish. Its easier than you think.

To raise white worms, all you need is a box, pieces of bread, yeast and water. Mix those up these and wait couple of days and you will get more worms to feed fish than your fish can handle. You need to know the right procedure. Here is how you can raise brine shrimps and worms to feed your fish. For shrimps there are other methods.

White Worms Raising for Tropical Fish Food

White Worm Raising for Fish Food

DIY – Brine Shrimp – Grow and Feed Live Brine Shrimp to Fish

Raising Adult Brine Shrimp

Prepare Live Fish Food and Feed Fish – DIY Home Grown Shrimps and Worms for Fish is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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DIY CO2 Generator for Planted Aquarium

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 11:37 PM PDT

co2 generator for planted aquarium

Do it yourself CO2 generator for your planted aquarium. CO2 is needed for rapid plants growth in planted aquariums. You need light, good substrate and CO2 for healthy plant growth in your planted fish tank. There are CO2 generators available in the market but why purchase it when you can do it yourself. And there are many ways to do it. Here are some safe ways to supply CO2 to your planted aquarium.

Create Carbondioxide Generator for Aquarium

The point is to take a bottle and add sugar in it and then dry yeast in it. Fill it with water. Leave some room for air. Shake it well. Insert a tube in that bottle via lid. Lid should be sealed and pipe or tube should be above water in the bottle and not in it. Now that tube should go in the aquarium. Place the bottle level above from aquarium. That’s it. Your custom CO2 generator for planted aquarium is ready. After couple of hours you will see the bubbles in the aquarium coming from that bottle. This generator will work for 2 week. Then you need to repeat the process. Watch the following videos to fully understand the whole process.

DIY CO2 Generator for Planted Aquarium is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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What Happens When You Overfeed Fish

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 08:48 PM PDT

aquarium cloudy water

Overfeeding your fish is a mistake that some fishkeepers specially beginners often make. In fact, more fish die from overfeeding rather than underfeeding. These are problems that could occur if you overfeed your fish.

Overfeeding Fish Results

  • High ammonia and nitrates levels in water
  • Low pH levels in water
  • Fish fin rot (Some fish produce ammonia from gills as well)
  • Fatty liver
  • Improper digestion problem for fish
  • Algae bloom in aquarium
  • Cloudy water in aquarium
  • Mold
  • Planaria
  • Clogged filters
  • Fish death

Instant result of overfeeding fish will appear in the aquarium as cloudy and dusty water. More ammonia will cause stress in fish. Ammonia is lethal for fish and must be eliminated from water.


  • Feed fish on schedule
  • Feed the appropriate amount
  • Feed them proper food
  • Remove any uneaten food
  • Incorporate some scavenging inhabitants
  • Use suitable filtration system in aquarium

Usually people feed fish twice a day. Feed less. Stop when fish stops eating. Some people even feed only once in a day. You can feed fish before going to bed. In night time aquarium will be left alone and will attract no audience, so its okay to feed fish that time and then after some minutes turn fish tank lights off. The ammonia which will be produced will be consumed by bacteria in fish tank during night and when you will get up in the morning, the water will be again clean. Feed less.

Fish are top feeders, middle feeders and bottom feeders. If you have got the set of these three then it will make sure that no food be left does not matter its floating pellets or sinking food or whatever.

Bigger the aquarium, more powerful filtration system is required. If you want the water to be clean, consider internal aquarium filter as well as the under gravel filter in case of fish only aquariums. For planted aquariums under gravel filter is not installed. Aquarium Internal filter or external canister filter would do for planted aquarium.

Some commercial aquariums exercise their fish? Yes, they actually crank up the water flow so fish will swim faster against the strong current. It burns calories and it keeps fish strong and healthy.

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What Happens When You Overfeed Fish is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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