
понедельник, 15 ноября 2010 г.


How to Use Ceramic Rings and Activated Carbon in Internal Aquarium Filter

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 01:44 PM PST

diy aquarium canister filter, ceramic rings, activated carbon, internal filter

This is a DIY canister aquarium filter. Basically you can convert regular aquarium internal filter into a canister filter with respect to functionality by using ceramic rings and activated carbon in that. I always get excited when I plan some DIY stuff. Recently one of my fish aquarium internal filter started performing low so I planned to replace it. I cleaned the old one and managed to make it work again. Then I planned to make it more usable with addition of activated carbon and ceramic rings in it. Canister filters are expensive. External canister filters for aquarium use activated carbon and ceramic rings for extra beneficial bacteria colonies growth, aquarium water purification, aquarium water filtration, aquarium water smell elimination and more…So we can use activated carbon and ceramic rings in the internal submersible filter to make it work like canister filter. Here is what I did.

Aquarium internal filter has got sponge or foam like medium in its container. I cut that foam into two pieces and placed ceramic rings and activated carbon in between those two pieces and closed the internal filter container. Before that I have rinsed the ceramic rings and activated carbon pieces for a while.

After that I have kept the filter in a separate water tub and turned it on for few minutes. Then I have placed that filter in the aquarium at the other side with no filters. Its working good.

Ceramic rings and activated carbon will clean your aquarium water and purify it. Smell from water will be eliminated by using it. If you do water changes once in a week then by using these two in filter media you can do water changes twice a month. You need to change the activated carbon in a month. You do not need to run this filter with activated carbon and ceramic rings all the time. You can turn it on at day time or night time, thrice a week or twice in a week. I have put 10 ceramic rings and handful of activated carbon in that filter. Simple.

You can get activated carbon and ceramic rings from local pet shop. Rinse activated carbon and ceramic rings before use. Do not use this DIY filter excessively in aquarium.

How to Use Ceramic Rings and Activated Carbon in Internal Aquarium Filter is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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Best Ever Freshwater Fish Species for Home Aquarium

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 12:53 PM PST

When you start the fish keeping hobby then a question comes in your mind that which fish species to keep? There are few possibilities ahead. Go to the pet shop and go nuts or get the advice from pros to beautify your home aquarium with best freshwater fish species and freshwater aquatic life. You can also check any online pet fish store website for available species of fish and aquatic life. Before you buy fish, read fish profiles. You want your aquarium to look pleasant to eyes and want to choose best looking fish with good personality and habits, right? Here I have selected the best fish species for your aquarium that have great personalities and habits. I have also mentioned few hints about several fish. Decide before that what you wanna have? Coldwater aquarium that will contain goldfish or warmwater fish tank or tropical fish tank that can contain many fish species but will need a constant temperature maintenance. Fish tank with many fish species in it is called as community fish tank. The fish species that form a group and remain together with same fish are called as schooling fish. e.g. Put 5 or more silver sharks and they will remain side by side in fish tank. Put neon tetra fish in tank and they will swim together with each other and get along. That’s schooling and these fish school. If you wanna lower the cost of fish aquarium, fish food and fish then you need a community aquarium or aquarium with same species. If you go for giant monstrous fish then it will cost you a lot and you will spend a lot on its food. You will have to feed that monster fish other fish or meat…So you want a community fish tank with small, good looking, colorful fish that get along with each other. Here are the selected recommendations for you. This is the best selection of fish I could offer you as per my knowledge.

Best Ever Selected Freshwater Fish for Aquarium

Corycats, Corydora Fish

  • Corydoras sterbai
  • Corydoras panda

Corydora rock. They are really really really cool, lovely, lovable, peaceful fish. Keep them in group of more than 5 or 6. Best Community tank fish mates.

Angel Fish

  • Gold Veil Angel
  • Black Angel
  • Altum Angel
  • Red Angel

Angels are aggressive but cool.

Barbs Fish

  • Denison Barb (Indian barb, Indian Tetra)

Denison barbs are really really really cool. They school. They are peaceful. Some misunderstood them with scissortail rasbora fish.

Discus Fish

  • Blue Diamond Discus
  • Royal Red Discus
  • Yellow Marlboro Discus
  • Neon Blue Discus

Discus needs 30 degree centigrade temperature.


  • Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
  • Dwarf Gourami
  • Pearl Gourami
  • Blue Gourami
  • Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
  • Gold Gourami
  • Flame Dwarf Gourami

Keep dwarf species of gouramies in aquarium for peace sake.

Loach Fish

  • Clown Loach
  • Redtail Botia Loach
  • Orange finned loach
  • Skunk Botia Loach

Loach are funny. They are active. They school. They chase each other. They roll their eyes. They are playful. Redtail Botia and Orange Finned Loach are same.

Pleco Fish

  • Gold Nugget Pleco
  • Starry Night Pleco
  • Tooth-Nose Pleco
  • Snowball Pleco
  • Gold Royal Pleco
  • Mango Pleco
  • Peppermint Plecostomus
  • Pario-Ancistrus Pleco
  • Pseudoacanthicus Angelicus Pleco
  • Goldy Pleco
  • Royal Pleco

Do not keep common Pleco because it out grows the tank and cast heavy bio load at aquarium. Choose dwarf species of Pleco for aquarium. Above Pleco species are cool.

Rainbow fish

  • Boesemani Rainbow
  • Praecox Rainbow
  • Turquoise Rainbow
  • Axelrodi Rainbow
  • Red Irian Rainbow

Rasbora Fish

  • Harlequin Rasbora
  • Golden Harlequin Rasbora
  • Scissortail Rasbora

Harlequin Rasbora and Scissortail Rasbora ar really really cool and are schooling fish.


  • Redtail shark
  • Bala Shark
  • Siamese Algae Eater
  • Albino Rainbow Shark
  • Silver Apollo Shark

Bala sharks school in group of 5 or more and are peaceful.

Tetra Fish

  • Cardinal Tetra
  • Neon Tetra
  • Rummynose Tetra
  • Glowlight Tetra
  • Silver Tip Tetra
  • Emperor Tetra
  • Penguin Tetra
  • Gold Tetra
  • Albino Buenos Aires Tetra
  • Congo Tetra
  • Diamond Tetra
  • Diamond Head Neon Tetra
  • Red Eye Tetra

Cardinal and Neon Tetra are really cool and are schooling fish. Almost all tetra above can be kept in community aquarium but its cool to have single species in group in single aquarium, specially planted aquarium.

Cichlid Fish

  • Ram Cichlid (German Blue Ram, Balloon Ram, Bolivian Ram)
  • Albino Kribensis Cichlid
  • Albino Peacock Cichlid
  • Brichardi Cichlid, Albino
  • Bumblebee Cichlid
  • Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid
  • Caudopunctatus Cichlid
  • Demasoni Cichlid
  • Compressiceps Cichlid
  • Electric Yellow Cichlid
  • Frontosa Cichlid
  • Kenyi Cichlid
  • Mbuna Mixed Cichlid
  • Moorii Cichlid
  • Moorei Cichlid
  • Orange Leleupi Cichlid
  • Tretocephalus Cichlid
  • Red Zebra Cichlid

If you plan to keep cichlids then have a separate aquarium for cichlids only. Cichlids are aggressive and are not for community tanks. Ram Cichlids can be kept in community tanks.

Misc. Fish

  • Black Ghost Knifefish
  • Zebra Danios
  • Mollies
  • Guppies

Guppies can not be kept with Moolies. Black Ghost Knife Fish is nocturnal and is omnivorous.

Other Water Species

Also consider the following water species for aquarium.


  • Singapore Flower Shrimp
  • Red Cherry Shrimp
  • Japonica Amano Shrimp
  • Ghost (Glass) Shrimp


  • Freshwater Clam
  • Snails

Snails and freshwater clam are cool. Shrimps will breed like crazy and will provide live food for fish. Japonica Amano Shrimp will clean the fish tank.

Best Community Tank Fish

  • Corydora
  • Denison Barb
  • Neon Tetra
  • Cardinal tetra

Freshwater Fish Species

Best Ever Freshwater Fish Species for Home Aquarium is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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How Many Fish Do You Have? Which Fish Will You Buy Again?

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 12:12 PM PST

I will tell you mine, you can share yours. I bought a 22 gallons fish tank and then 120 gallons and have been keeping fish. I have been more inclined towards having community fish aquarium. Aquarium stocking is not a discussion here. Discussion is about how many fish species currently do you have in your aquarium and what is in your wish-list? What fish you will buy in future? Good, bad experiences with aquarium and fish? Let me share mine.

22 Gallons Fish Tank

Its a cold water fish tank with temperature set to 26 degree centigrade.

One white Koi
One Shabunkin
Two fantails (Goldfish)
One Oranda (Goldfish)
One Red Cap Oranda (Goldfish)
One Common Pleco
One Sailfin Molly

7 fish in 22 gallons.

120 Gallons Fish Tank

This is warm water tropical fish aquarium with temperature set to 28 degree centigrade. Fish species include:

4 Denison Barbs
2 Red Wag Platy
4 Zebra Danios
6 Mollies (2 males)
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Dwarf Flame Gourami
1 Black Ghost Knife Fish
1 Common Pleco
5 Skirt Tetra
4 Tiger Barbs
4 Bala (Silver) Sharks
4 Mono Sebae
1 Kuhli Loach
1 German Blue Ram
1 Albino Rainbow Shark
3 Orange Finned Loach
2 small Catfish (ID to identify yet)

That makes them 45 fish in 120 gallons.

I am happy with Silver sharks, Denison Barbs, Zebra Danios, Orange Finned Loach.

If I will have to start over, I will keep following fish.

Silver Sharks
Denison barbs
Clown Loach

I also want to get cherry shrimps, snails and clam.

I will mention my wish-list in coming posts.

Goldfish respond a bit and recognize me. Black ghost comes out at night. Orange finned loaches are funny. They have got funny moves and are really really fast and active. Mollies, Platies and Zebra Danios remain at top of the tank. Gouramies remain at top of the tank. Pleco is growing very fast and sucks whatever it finds in aquarium. Tiger barbs – I won’t keep tiger barbs in community tank again because they seem to be not compatible not even with each other. They school but they have notorious repute. Mono Sebae sometimes get along but sometimes one chases other. They are gorgeous though. Rainbow Shark has its territory under one of the aquarium filter and it stays there when it takes rest. Orange Finned Loach also hide most of the time.

Anyways, what have you got in your aquarium? What is your wish-list?

How Many Fish Do You Have? Which Fish Will You Buy Again? is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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Fish Aquarium Will Take All of Your Available Time and Money

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 11:16 AM PST

Having a hobby is pleasurable and easy. Pleasurable in the sense that you will spend some time enjoying it and do productive stuff. Easy in the sense that anybody knows what attracts him. You just close your eyes and can tell what you like to do. So its easy and pleasurable but if not managed, you can end up spending a lot of time and money in doing what you love. If its your business as well than its great. You will earn money from your hobby. If not a business than its pleasurable but it wastes money. Hobby should not affect your time. Hobby should not affect you money resources. It has been observed that if your business is your hobby than after sometime it will be only business because you will be starting to become conscious about money its generating and when this situation arises, it won’t be hobby anymore. You will eventually find some another hobby / entertainment for you. Fish keeping or having an aquarium is good. But seriously it sucks up a lot of your time and money resources. So do not do it if you are alone in the family inclined towards this hobby. Lets discuss the problem with fish aquarium hobby and its possible solution.

Aquarium / Fishkeeping a Problem

You will buy you first aquarium, turn it on and put some fish in it. It does not stop here. You will have to put food in it twice a day or atleast once. You will buy some regular fish food but with time you will want to feed your fish quality food. Quality food for fish is really really costly. And just food is not the only problem.

I bought my first fish aquarium. Put some goldfish in it. Later I started reading about fish. I was attracted towards reading about fish, their habits, different fish species and found that there are types of aquarium setups. e.g. coldwater aquarium, warmwater aquarium, tropical fish aquarium, pond fish aquarium, marine aquarium, saltwater aquarium, reef aquarium and so on.

I joined few fish forums and watched many videos at youtube about different fish species and different aquarium setups. There are DIY articles and videos everywhere. You can experiment with plants in aquarium. You can create your own CO2 diffuser for plants. You can raise worms for fish food. In the beginning I spent total 2 months indulged in this hobby. I saw videos and read articles about fish keeping and tried to implement those at my aquariums.

I bought another bigger aquarium. First one is 22 Gallons and second is 120 Gallons. I put more fish species in the bigger aquarium. Then I searched for desired fish in the best pet stores near me. I bought really costly fish species. Experimented with aquarium lights. Bought some good aquarium lights. Bought the quality food for fish. Some fish died in the process and I bought some more. You will easily be bored with same fish which do the same stuff daily and you would want any other fish that do something different to amuse you or your family / friends. You will have to monitor your fish aquarium in day and night several time. After all its got life in that.

Experimenting with lights, food, more fish, custom filters, DIY with fish tanks so on and so on…. This takes a lot of time and money resources. If you are into fish aquarium hobby than be aware that it can easily take all the time you have and all the money you have got. It can easily be an expensive hobby that will soon empty your pockets and ruin whatever you do to earn money.

There should be a balance in between hobby and other activities which you have to do. Time and money should be managed well. I have 2 fish aquariums right now and perhaps will get more. This is a critical situation for me. Let’s find some solution.

Possible Solution

I will address you and me. Its just a hobby. Hobby should entertain you in your leisure time and should not affect your time and money. Distribute time. Do not sit frequently in front of your aquarium. Infact lets prepare a list to manage time and money in hobby and other all day activities.

  • Don’t do it if your family is not cooperative. If family is cooperative than you can hand over few tasks to them.
  • Don’t sit frequently infront of fish aquarium. Decide time when you sit infront of aquarium. Do aquarium maintenance in the same time. Change water, set filters, feed fish at that time. Be it early in the morning or evening. Evening time is best. In the evening you will be free. Go sit near aquarium. Feed fish, change water if needed or set filters. The evening time is best feeding time for fish because its the evening and after feeding water is bound to be a bit cloudy which will become clear by night and the next day aquarium will be 100% clean again and you can enjoy clean view of aquarium all day long. Do water changes and aquarium cleaning at Sundays.
  • Do not feed fish twice, feed only once in 24 hours in that fixed time.
  • Keep two filters in aquarium. In case any filter stops or ceases to work, the other will cover it and you can set the faulty filter in your free time. You will have peace of mind because you know that you have got two filters running and you do not need to monitor aquarium filter to see if its working properly or not.
  • Keep in mind that you have kept the fish aquarium for your family, friends, relatives and also your leisure time. Your LEISURE TIME. More for them, less for you.
  • Do not put a lot of fish. Buy fish slowly. Let yourself enjoy what you have already. Buy new fish when old fish dies. Its fish, it is bound to die. Fish has less life than you.
  • Do not buy everything in single day. Buy new stuff once in a month for your aquarium. It includes new aquarium filters, wallpapers, more fish food, lights etc. It natural to think of upgrading lights, aquarium toys etc. Do one thing in a month and keep next thing for next month. There are many things to do with your aquarium and there is much to buy for your fish aquarium. One task a month. Go slow in buying.
  • Research and read about any new thing you wanna do with your aquarium before you do it. Consult other friends who are experts. Go slow.
  • Give less time to your fish aquarium. Once a day. Evening is ideal. Keep cleaning and water changes to Sundays.
  • Do not visit pet shops unless you have to because there will always be something new for you to pick whether you really want it or not.

Keep it a hobby. Only a hobby which you do in really free time when you have nothing else to do. Give 10% of your available time and money and believe me 10% is more than enough. From today I am deciding to limit my activities related to hobby.

You can share your experiences. How do you manage time in between your hobbies and other daily activities?

Fish Aquarium Will Take All of Your Available Time and Money is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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Freshwater, Brackish and Marine Water Fish Compatibility Charts

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 04:18 AM PST

Fish selection plays vital role in fishkeeping hobby. To keep peaceful and happy fish community aquariums you need to know fish compatibility doesn’t matter whether you are going to keep freshwater fish, brackish water fish or marine fish (saltwater). If you do not care about this, chances are many of your fish will become food of other fish and many will loose their fin and skin ending up being dead and you will not just loose money but also loose few pretty fish which you got after lots of struggle. Not all fish come easily, right? Pet stores keep most selling fish. I myself got few of my selected fish after lots of wait. I had to tell the guy at pet store that I want Mono Sebae and Denison Barbs and he managed to get those for me. I am still waiting for clown loach and corydora to arrive at local per store as these are not available easily where I live. If I loose these fish which I have gotten after lots of wait then I am sure I will be pretty much pissed about it. That’s why do not put any fish right away in aquarium. First search for that fish profile you wanna add and read about its personality and habits, temperature requirements etc. I always read about fish and after I find it peaceful and compatible with my other fish species, I then add it in my aquarium. So that’s that. That you would wanna do if you are into peaceful community tanks, believe me. So here are three compatibility charts for freshwater, brackish water and saltwater fish. Go through these and select your favorite compatible species for your community fish tank.

Freshwater and Brackish Water Fish Compatibility Charts



Marine Water Fish Compatibility Chart


There are certain fish which likes to eat meat doesn’t matter its chicken, mouse, beaf of other fish. They will eat anything that fits in their mouth or they can bite off. Piranha, Oscar, Peacock Bass, Chicla, Large Chiclids, Paroon Sharks, Sharks, Puffer, Flowerhorn, Naja Sharks, Large Gouramis and many other will eat any other fish. Make sure you put these species with same kind and size of species. While Tiger barbs will bite off fins of other fish. Be aware.

[ sources here, here and here ]

Freshwater, Brackish and Marine Water Fish Compatibility Charts is a post from RecipeApart. Get Daily updates from RecipeApart

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